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Finding An Easy Way To Quit Smoking Need Not To Be Complex

By Neil Hickox

Stopping the smoking habit not only extends the life-span of a smoker, greatly improving their own health on numerous levels, but it also boosts happiness and instills a feeling of pride and accomplishment for those who can really stop. There are so many reasons a smoker must give up. The mortality ratio for ex-smokers reduces substantially right after they quit, and the amounts don't lie. This simple fact alone should be sufficient to motivate most smokers to stop and live life for a longer time. Unfortunately, it doesn't, and the warning label imprinted along the side of each cigarette pack does not appear to have much impact as well. So there needs to be much more to smoking than apparently social stress, common sense and great judgment could control.

Most smokers wish to quit, but they get so habituated to cigarette smoking that it is quite hard for them to change their routine. They smoke when having a cup of coffee, right after sex, after eating food, whenever they drink a beer, or talk on the phone, and they smoke whenever they get pressured or whilst driving in traffic. For some, cigarette smoking is a tranquilizer. The act of smoking becomes so intertwined with other common routines that it gets engrained as an unconscious conduct so linked to these other actions that it is inseparable.

More than being just a bad practice, however, smoking has been found to be a major addiction. Pound-for-pound, nicotine is a lot more addictive than heroin, thus a cigarette smoker usually cannot just place their cigarettes down and walk away. It is usually one of the most challenging items an individual can do in life.

Those that can stop come across rich rewards. Their relationships boost, loved-ones don't mind kissing them again, their breath smells better, their teeth get whiter, the yellow on their fingers fade away, and their home and vehicles smell more fresh. Most considerably, ex-smokers notice more money on their finances. Many ex-smokers also start noticing dramatic changes in their general health and vitality, almost immediately. They sleep much better, sex is way better, their appetites strengthen, food tastes greater, their sense of smell returns, and they can climb stairs without shortness of breath, and also sing longer within the shower.

Every cigarette smoker has their very own personal basis for doing it and gets their own sense of pleasure or satisfaction from it. It's up to every individual, therefore, to assess their very own smoking behavior, and their lifestyle, and find a way of quitting that best works well with them.

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